Straight out in 2015
Well almost!. The 2nd of Jan must count as straight out as it was pissing persistantly raining on the afternoon of the 1st. Once again I decided to capture some wave action down at […]
Well almost!. The 2nd of Jan must count as straight out as it was pissing persistantly raining on the afternoon of the 1st. Once again I decided to capture some wave action down at […]
Bosham sunsets
I think I got out more in November with the camera than I had in the rest of the year. Several of those images taken at the beginning of month were posted in […]
I decided to go out with my camera this Saturday evening, as I haven’t been out for several months it was pretty much a spur of the moment decision, , knowing that the tide […]
It’s 2 weeks into the New Year and I finally get out with my camera, a distinct lack of enthusiasm of late largely due to the run of poor weather.
These were taken on the […]
Got very lazy recently, forever tired, haven’t posted much nor indeed shot that much. However over the last couple of weeks I’ve forced myself to go out and shoot some pictures. So I’m posting […]
Had a wander around over the weekend, walked out to the jetty for the foot passenger ferry to Itchenor on Saturday evening.
The sun was still quite high in this one, which is why the […]
After missing a giant orb of a sun at sunset last night, no pictures, just viewed it through a window, tonight I set out for Bosham Hoe for a repeat performance. I chose the […]
On Saturday evening I made a trip over to East Head for a sunset, as i’d never photographed one from there before. The plan was to meet up with fellow photog, Jake. As usual […]
Went down to Bosham Hoe the other evening on the off chance that it might be a good evening, but the clouds didn’t play ball. Lots of clouds but not in the right places. […]
With the sky brightening and a slim possibility of a sunset, I set off for Birdham as I knew the tide would be out. On arrival both tide and sky were as expected – […]
And with not much to do, I called in at Bosham on Saturday evening just after high tide and had a quick bite to eat. Had a play around with a reverse ND grad […]
Thought I’d start the summer month of August off with a colourful post. Early yesterday evening a friend phoned to say that he’d been given the whereabouts of a field full of sunflowers. About […]
Went out this evening wit the intention to capture some images of combine harvesters at work in the wonderful golden sunshine. Unfortunately I couldn’t find either!
So went down to my old favourite – Bosham […]
Don’t know what happened but the blog post disappeared! On log-on I was instructed to update database, which I did as instructed and when completed and logged back on the post had gone. So […]
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