Don’t know what happened but the blog post disappeared! On log-on I was instructed to update database, which I did as instructed and when completed and logged back on the post had gone. So started again.
Here’s a few images taken the other week.
This was taken looking down into the Steyning Bowl above Steyning in West Sussex. Edit: This is one of those pictures that loses it’s impact at a reduced size for some reason, great at full resolution.
Shortly after arriving a large cloud slowly blocked out the suns rays and we decided to re-locate to Birling Gap and took these.
First time I’ve seen this much foam on the beach.
I tried to show the power of the sea here, but in slow motion, capturing the waves as they broke. I think one or two of these should print big.
I didn’t get the shot I had in mind, but not bad for a first visit – look forward to a re-visit.
Anyway that’s all for tonight, hopefully it will still be here tomorrow.